It was very strange at first, being home all day in this new world of no meetings, phone calls, client ass kissing, no co-workers, and such. I'd wake up with no pressure. I'd go to bed at night with no pressure. There were no deadlines to drive me any more. After more than two decades of marching to the corporate world beat, I felt like I was in outer space, free floating.

Every week, in addition to the laundry, dishes, clean up, etc., I'd accomplish one exterior house thing, like pressure washing, or mowing the yard, or trimming the hedges, etc. I've also been able to indulge in various interests of mine, ones that I never seemed to have time to do before such as concrete sculpting. My love of Martial Arts has also seen a major boost as I can commit more regular hours to it. I also get to read more, as well as listen to more podcasts of interest (space science, eastern philosophy, and so on). The cherry on the cake is hitting places off peak hours, like the gun range. LOVE IT!
The transition has been phenomenally smooth. One area that I've still not internally found settled involves asking for money. Now that I'm not the money maker, I personally find it tough asking for anything. It is an internal hang up for sure, but one that I do face. We have an auto deposit into a private account for me, from the wifie's paycheck, that we call the "Mad Money." That is an amount of money that I can go crazy with and spend on anything I want, no questions asked. It is my pocket money as it were. It is more than enough to sustain my hobbies and interests. However, there are times when I want to do more than my Mad Money will cover, and I have to ask, and I don't like to.
In preparation for the Full Monty homeschooling, one of the things I have practiced is to ensure that when the girls come home from school that they have an hour of academic work from me. This is in addition to whatever they have from their public charter school. Of course, what I'm giving them fits well with what they will be doing at their regular day school, mostly covering materials that I suspect they will need later in the school year. This has paid huge dividends for all of us. I've continued to learn how they each individually learn, how I can best serve as their learning guide, and they've gained mastery on subjects ahead of their classmates.